Бодаєв Вадим Ігорович
ULIE Vice President, Director of the international investment company SigmaBleyzer
Bodayev Vadym Ihorovych was born in Kharkiv in 1958. He graduated from Kharkiv Aviation Institute in 1981.
During the perestroika (a political movement for reformation within the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1989-1992) he worked as expert for a governmental group in the Council of Ministers of the USSR. He was in charge of the development of the concept of liberal market reforms in the economy.
He also worked for the Cabinet of Ministers of Kazakhstan. He was in charge of strategic issues of liberalization of the country's foreign economic activity, as well as the issues of the creation of joint ventures.
Later on he graduated from the Business School at Vienna University and got a degree in business organization in the countries of Eastern Europe. He got a degree in industrial management and marketing at the Ukrainian Academy under the Industrial Policy Ministry.
Bodayev conducted business trainings on the creation of joint ventures. He was one of the first founders of private joint ventures in Moscow, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. For example, he set up JV FTC Consulting (jointly with the Austrian side) in the sphere of construction, equipment and mounting of workshops for meat and dairy industry.
In the middle of 1990's Bodayev worked as adviser for a number of Verkhovna Rada committees on investment and industrial policy.
In 2000, he was appointed as director of the SigmaBleyzer office in Ukraine, and after a few years he headed this international investment company.
He was involved in the development of the SigmaBleyzer methodology and business model, which uses investment models developed specifically for the countries with market economy. This model uses the best Western examples taking into account the local market specifics. As the director of the company Bodayev helped to attract investment in more than 80 companies in Ukraine and abroad, including Makiyivka Pipe Plant, Sevastopol Marine Plant, Asem Ai Bottled Water Plant (Kazakhstan), PJSC Poltavakonditer, etc.
In 2010 he was appointed as vice president of the Ukrainian League of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.