Віце-президент УСПП з питань податкової політики, голова Комісії УСПП з питань економічної політики
Drohovoz Yulia Serhiyivna was born on May 8, 1971. She graduated from Khmelnytsky Technological Institute with a specialization in the economy and management of housing and utility services and municipal economy in 1994. In December 2003, she received the certificate of auditor (A series). The spheres of her activity include audit, taxation and business accounting.
Yulia Serhiyivna has a very intensive career. She worked as state inspector at the State Tax Inspectorate at Tsentralno-Minsky District in Kryvy Rih, Dnipropetrovsk region, in 1994-1996. From 1996 until March 1998, she held the position of chief state tax auditor and inspector of the legal entities audit department at the State Tax Inspectorate at Tsentralno-Minsky District in Kryvy Rih, Dnipropetrovsk region.
She worked as an accountant and later was promoted to chief accountant of JSC Pronko in March 1998 through 1999.
In 2000, she was appointed as chief accountant at the auditing firm Finance Club Ltd., and in December 2013 she became an auditor at this company.
In January 2009 through August 2012 Yulia Drohovoz worked as the company's deputy director. Later on she chaired the Department for Economic Policy at the Ukrainian League of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.
She has been heading the ULIE Commission for Economic Policy from August 2012. In June 2013, she was appointed as ULIE vice president for taxation policy issues.
As of 2014, Yulia Serhiyivna chaired the Commission on Taxation Policy, was a member of the Public Council under the Income and Tax Ministry of Ukraine, a member of the Public Council under the Finance Ministry of Ukraine, and a member of the Public Board under the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Taxation and Customs Policy.
She is also a member of the Tax and Income working group under the Finance Ministry of Ukraine. She worked on the new version of the Tax Code of Ukraine in a working group under the Economic Development and Trade Ministry of Ukraine.