Intellectual property commission begins work at ULIE

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Intellectual property commission begins work at ULIE

The Commission for Intellectual Property and Intellectual Security has started work at the Ukrainian League of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (ULIE). The key task of the commission is to provide qualified consultations to the ULIE members on the issues related to registration and commercialization of intellectual property rights for the benefit of innovative development and protection of intellectual property rights of the ULIE member companies, intellectual security, enhancement of its economic impact on the country's life and the facilitation of the implementation of the state policy in the sphere of intellectual property.

"Our country's agenda includes important issues on the development of business models for effective management of the use of intellectual property, adaptation of Ukrainian producers to the new conditions taking into account the difficult economic situation in the country as well as protection of intellectual property rights during the creation of a free trade area between Ukraine and the EU, creation of a modern intellectual property market. I am sure that the commission's activity will increase the respect for intellectual property among the ULIE members and in Ukraine in general as well as confidence in the benefits of intellectual property rights," ULIE Vice President Vasyl Krutov said when introducing the commission.

All industrialized countries think that the creation of conditions for the development of the intellectual potential of their nations is the most important component of the state policy. Intellectual property serves as a strategic resource forming national wealth and begins to influence significantly its level of competitiveness. Some 80% of GDP growth in these countries is a share of know-how and innovations used in advanced technologies, Krutov said.

Meanwhile, Ukraine's intellectual potential is underestimated in the modern economy and the uselessness of accumulated intellectual wealth was one of the causes behind the fact that the economic development of the country, regardless of the available potential, remained at the level of raw material supplies which are characterized as time-consuming and energy-intensive production.

"The share of intangible assets rarely exceeds 1.5% of the cost of Ukrainian products, which is almost 10-15 times less as compared to the leading economies of the world. Sustainable development of the infrastructure in the intellectual property sphere, the use of which should change the situation in the sphere, is the way out of this situation," the head of the newly created commission and advisor to the ULIE president, Serhiy Maslov, said.

According to him, the ULIE considers the creation of the Commission for Intellectual Property and Intellectual Security is a timely and useful measure. It is planning to sign a cooperation agreement with the State Intellectual Property Service of Ukraine in the near-term outlook.