The forces of Ukrainian society – business organizations, NGOs, research and analytical centers – are joining hands to hammer out a common strategy for Ukraine's development in the coming years. A depoliticized, comprehensive analysis of the social and economic situation and a plan of urgent measures to overcome the economic and social crisis and prepare a strategy for the country's further development will be presented at the National Business Forum in Kyiv on March 18. This issue was on the agenda of a press conference held by the Forum's co-organizers in Kyiv.
"The consolidation of efforts by civil society, the business community and the authorities is very important, because we understand what condition the Ukrainian economy is in: it is among the world's five worst economies and remains unattractive to foreign investors. At the same time, only a developed economy can be strong enough to safeguard its national interests. This requires a modern industry, an effective export-oriented policy, the promotion of the development of small-sized businesses and creation of new jobs. Currently, the country sees social forces getting consolidated amid the formation of a powerful social platform for the finalization of an agreed plan to overcome the crisis and the country's development strategy," President of the Ukrainian League of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and Chairman of the Anti-Crisis Council of NGOs Anatoliy Kinakh said.
The co-initiators of the Forum are the largest and most influential civic and business associations – the ULIE, the Anti-Crisis Council of NGOs, the Ukrainian Business Initiative, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine (CCIU), the Federation of Employers of Ukraine, the Nova Kraina civil platform, the Entrepreneurs Council under the Cabinet of Ministers, and the Ukraine Is Me (uais.me) civil movement. They have a common view that the country needs a clear and agreed plan of action.
"The corporate sector cannot stand apart when public management is in crisis. The transition from backstage discussions to the public dialogue is what must happen," Nova Kraina co-founder Vladyslav Olenchenko said.
As of today, leading business associations, non-governmental organizations have prepared their own comprehensive strategies, which include an anti-crisis plan of joint actions by the government and businesses. The strategies together with proposals from public organizations will become the basis of a plan of urgent measures to overcome the social and economic crisis and draw up a strategy for the country's further development. The plan is open for finalization, and proposals are welcome. An open joint statement on the situation in the country and ways to end the crisis is planned to be signed. Members of the public and business structures say they are sure that the developed plan should be used as the basis for the government's action program for 2016-2017.
"The future Forum is the most depoliticized platform for the pragmatic search of solutions to the challenges facing us. Also, it will give a clear signal to European partners that Ukrainian businesses are ready and they take the initiative to introduce efficient reforms in the country," CCIU President Hennady Chyzhykov said.
Senior government officials, leaders of parliamentary factions, civil society leaders and representatives of the international community have been invited to the Forum, which is to be held at NSC Olimpiyskiy Complex in Kyiv on March 18. All in all, the event will bring together about two hundred business associations, industrial and business organizations, NGOs, analytical and research centers.
The event is open, everyone is welcome to join and put forward proposals as for its operation.