Implementation of energy efficiency strategy to considerably boost competitiveness of Ukraine's economy

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Implementation of energy efficiency strategy to considerably boost competitiveness of Ukraine's economy

The Ukrainian economy needs an effective energy efficiency strategy. As a matter of fact, national GDP is now almost three times more energy intensive than in the developed countries. This directly affects the ability of Ukraine to compete against the backdrop of open economies. This opinion was expressed by participants in a meeting of the commission of the Ukrainian League of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (ULIE) for energy development and energy conservation, which was also attended by representatives of the State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine, Members of Parliament, bankers and entrepreneurs.

"The problem of energy efficiency shows our place in the European, global markets. In general, Ukraine ‒ and this is confirmed by foreign experts ‒ is self-sufficient in energy resources. And it is very important to us to reduce dependence on energy imports, maximize our enormous potential in the context of energy supply. This should be an ongoing national strategy irrespective of who forms the government or parliament," ULIE President and Chairman of the Anti-Crisis Council of NGOs Anatoliy Kinakh said.

It is necessary to have a national energy efficiency strategy. However, such issues, according to the participants in the meeting, cannot be solved unilaterally ‒ either by the government or parliament. A strong, unified force of authorities, businesses, financial institutions and the public should be formed. Of course, R&D should also join in.

This issue is among others on the agenda of the Ukrainian Business Forum in Kyiv, scheduled for March 18. More than 200 companies and NGOs will hammer out a strategy for Ukraine to overcome the social and economic crisis, strengthen its national security, energy independence and create conditions for economic recovery.

"Significant changes in the way of thinking are needed ‒ this concerns the government, businesses, citizens. All the more, there have been positive developments in that area ‒ investors show interest, small- and medium-sized businesses are able to borrow loans for energy efficiency projects. But we need to move from individual projects to comprehensive measures throughout the country," the leader of the business community believes.

This view is shared by Chairman of the parliamentary subcommittee on energy saving and energy efficiency Oleksiy Riabchyn. There are certain achievements, he agrees, but these are partial improvements, he adds.

"For example, if the government raises rates, it must be done simultaneously with energy efficiency and energy saving measures. Unfortunately, it is not the case. They report that the Ukrainian industry has started to consume less natural gas. But why is it so? Because it is in decline. It is urgent that the energy strategy of Ukraine be developed with the clear interaction with economic and other strategies," the lawmaker says.

The ULIE is actively working in that direction. In partnership with the State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine, local authorities, public organizations they hold workshops, consultations and other events for entrepreneurs, public utilities companies, households. Measures to diversify energy supplies and improve energy efficiency in the corporate sector and in the economy in general are stipulated in the Anti-Crisis Program of Joint Actions by the government and businesses, which was proposed by the public to the government.