ULIE has addressed President of Poland A. Duda with a request to assist in restoring normal cargo traffic at the border

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ULIE has addressed President of Poland A. Duda with a request to assist in restoring normal cargo traffic at the border

Ukrainian industrialists and entrepreneurs have noted that the actions of Polish carriers, who blocked the main four checkpoints on the Ukrainian-Polish border, not only harm the economy of Ukraine but also that of Poland and the European Union as a whole.

"We can estimate the current losses to our economy in the amount of several hundred million euros. At the same time, there are economic losses for Polish businesses and European counterparts/consumers of Ukrainian products," the statement reads.

The International Society of Polish Entrepreneurs in Ukraine has already protested against the border blockade. Partners have pointed out that the blockade leads to a reduction in trade volume, fines for delayed delivery, rejection of tenders, etc., and these negative consequences affect both sides of the border. Business counterparts from Latvia, Germany, and others have also spoken about the losses.

ULIE also noted in its appeal to the Polish president that there are known cases where humanitarian aid and fuel tankers are not being allowed through.

Considering the difficult situation Ukraine is facing due to the war instigated by Russian aggression, any delay in cargo may have serious consequences for the lives of our defenders and civilian population.

"We do not question the right of Polish regulatory authorities and international carriers to defend their position within the framework of current legislation in Poland. However, in accordance with international norms, any actions or protest actions should not impede the freedom of transit as the fundamental principle of the GATT and the World Trade Organization, of which our countries are members. We believe in your ability to resolve this issue in the interests of both our countries. The border blockade not only harms the economy of Ukraine and the European Union but can also serve the interests of a common enemy - the Russian Federation," emphasized Ukrainian industrialists.

Earlier, ULIE appealed to the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, and leading business associations in Poland, with which partnership agreements have been signed - Employers of Poland, the Union of Industrialists and Employers of Poland, the Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce, etc. - asking them to join in resolving this situation.

The business community of Ukraine urges both sides to focus on:
- Expanding existing and building new joint border checkpoints;
- Harmonizing customs procedures and practices of customs authorities of both countries;
- Signing an Agreement on Joint Border Control between Ukraine and the Republic of Poland.

Polish Minister of Infrastructure Andrzej Adamczyk, on the last day of his tenure, called on the Ukrainian government to meet the demands of Polish carriers.

At the same time, the leader of the Polish opposition, the Civic Coalition's Donald Tusk, accused the Polish government of inaction in the situation with the blockade of border crossings with Ukraine.